Day Camps
Loyalty Billing
Child Care Subsidy

Pre K (Ages 4-5) Detailed Attention and Loving Care

Making sure your little ones in Roslindale have every need handled by professionals.

Our daycare programs in Roslindale utilize a holistic approach designed to treat your infant as an individual. From being flexible about nap and eating times to adapting on the fly to their needs, you'll know that your baby is receiving high quality care.

Unlike older children that can easily be assimilated into a single schedule require constant attention and an ever-evolving daycare program. As such, the Little People's Playhouse solution puts a high emphasis on following your child's progress and gradually adjusting their schedule as needed to incorporate more or less time with other as needed.

Because this style of infant daycare in Roslindale can be difficult to achieve, Little People's Playhouse hires only the best local staff and each member of our team has received excellent training to reach the high standards of care that have become our hallmark.

To find out more about our Roslindale Toddler and Pre-K options, simply call Little People's Playhouse at 617-323-2566 or 617-323-6144.

Little People's Playhouse hires only the best local staff and each member of our team has received excellent training to reach the high standards of care that have become our hallmark. The Little People's Playhouse Team , Roslindale.